Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fun with Toys and Baby Carrots

Just got word yesterday that our new CD, 'See America,' is in the mail on the way to us. Pretty soon we'll be able to get it to everyone else, so I wanted to show us mixing one of my favorite parts of the album. In the middle of the song 'Rising From The Ashes,' I recorded a percussion solo. We didn't really have a plan for that part, so I just brought in a bag of toys and would go "let's record cowbell. Ok now let's record bongos. Ok, how about me munching on a carrot?" and start to layer it up from there. Check out the video below of mixing the part in Ocean Way Studio:

Some of the toys I got to use were:

2 Shakers, 2 Cowbells, Woodblock, Triangle, Bongos, Rwandan Hand Drum, Guiro, Baby Carrots, Claves, Vibraslap, Suspended Cymbal, and Djembe. We tried using some garbage cans but it turned out to be a different sound than we were looking for. Go figure.

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